May 19, 2004


Memeblog depends on meme "owners" sending us links to posts with their idea/carnival/meme. There is a central email address for such submissions. The address is:


There will be a link in the sidebar with this email address. Please title the email "Submission for Memeblog". In your email please include the URL of your link, your name, your blog's name, the meme name, and a brief description. If you have sourced it from elsewhere please include the source URL as well.

Submissions will be collated and posted at least every two days and hopefully daily. We will be checking every submission to make sure they are in line with the theme of this site. If you have submitted and haven't seen it in the posts after a few days feel free to drop us a line. It may have been overlooked or it may have been thought not appropriate - either way we will respond to you.

Before you submit please take a second to consider if your entry matches the aims of this blog. This is not a cheap link-whoring exercise. Rather this is a resource for the blogosphere and will only remain as good as the links provided. For that we make no apologies. To get an idea of what "fits" please check the links in the sidebar or look at previous posts on this blog.

That said please don't be afraid to submit links. The worst that happens is we don't use them here. There's every chance we'll use them for our own blogs instead!

Posted by Simon at May 19, 2004 05:07 AM

I was thinking for convenience I could add this address to the notify mailing list I send to as soon as CotC is posted each week, but the format would deviate from exactly what you request here.

Posted by: Jay Solo at May 20, 2004 01:30 PM
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